
Tsar bomba crater
Tsar bomba crater

The bomb was detonated at 13,000ft so there would be no crater. Thinking fast, Kulka grabbed onto something inside the plane just as the bomb bay doors gave way, saving his life, and ensuring that the only nuclear bomb ever dropped on America didn't kill anyone. The tsar was detonated on Novaya Zemlya Island. Upon feeling what he thought was the pin, and was actually the emergency release lever, the bomb dropped to the belly of the plane onto the bomb bay doors, with Kulka riding it like Slim Pickens waving a cowboy hat and hiyaing (ask your parents). The bomb bay didn't leave much room for anything other than the bomb, so Kulka had to stick his arm down into the bay and literally grope around like a blind man, searching for the unset pin. The Russian Tsar Bomba test was carried out off the coast of Severny Island, near the Arctic Ocean, in 1961 and created an explosion equivalent to 50 megatons of TNT. A warning message informed the pilot that the pin that secured the nuclear bomb in place hadn't been set properly, and bombardier Bruce Kulka was sent to check it out. A NEWLY declassified video shows the world's most powerful nuclear bomb exploding - giving off a blast 3,000 times stronger than Hiroshima. Unbeknownst to the Greggs, seven miles above them a B-47E bomber was transporting an atomic bomb from Savannah, Georgia, to England, and things were not going according to plan. "If we don't try to destroy all life on earth, we'll never know if we can." Continue Reading Below

#Tsar bomba crater cracked

Also, it probably would have cracked the earth like an egg. In fact, the bomb was originally supposed to be twice as big as it ended up being, but they realized that it would be impossible to drop such a bomb from an airplane without killing everyone aboard. If you're wondering why they needed a parachute in the first place, it's because no matter how high you dropped it from, the resulting explosion would reach up into the sky and disintegrate your plane unless you gave yourself some kind of head start. The Tzar Bomba was so impractically big that creating a parachute to slow its descent disrupted the Soviet textile industry.

tsar bomba crater

It was like losing an archery competition and throwing a hand grenade at the target to remind the winner just how little aim mattered in the face of your sheer ass-slapping lunacy. Rather than trying to keep pace with America's increasingly precise guided missile delivery systems, Russia's solution was to build and test a bomb that was so big that aim literally didn't matter.

Tsar bomba crater